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ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ ਵਿਚ ਸਰਬੋਤਮ ਸਿਲੇਕ ਡਾਕਟਰ

July 28, 2021 463 people Latest news


Contact for Permanent Treatment of Wheat Allergy , Celiac disease, Coeliac Disease and Gluten Allergy

गैंहूँ से एलर्जी Specialist (Celiac disease)

Dr D L Gangwal : 9783653245

While Celiac disease is estimated to affect about 1% of the world's population,

it was thought to be uncommon not only in India but in Asia also.

Tags: #Best Wheat Allegy Doctor in Sultanpur Lodhi# Best Wheat Allegy Doctor in Shahkot# Best Wheat Allegy Doctor in Zira# Best Wheat Allegy Doctor in Phagwara
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