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Best doctor for Wheat Allergy in Jodhpur

July 08, 2021 507 people Latest news

Ashra khan is a 10 years old girl from Jaipur, Rajasthan. As Ashra left Mother's milk at the age of 14 months diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, bloated stomach, abdominal pain ,white spots on face and irritation to talk and eating any things, seen for all time.

She came here at GANGWAL HOMOEOPATHY RESEARCH HOSPITAL at age of 6 years with their family by one of my patient reference. Her mother detailed Ashra khan's problems which are much known at that time called CELIAC DISEASE.

Her mother's question for me that is it possible that Ashra can eat the wheat products without any problems . Then we entrusted her that your Baby Ashra khan will eat wheat products without minor to major problems in her body.

She believed on us and started to take the treatment with confidence. In the treatment of 3 months all the running problems such as bloated Stomach, loss of appetite, irritation, and abdominal pain were disappeared. She is feeling better.

The TTG-IgA level was 109 u/ml before treatment from here and the normal range of TTG-IgA was less than 8 u/ml in normal human being. After 3 months treatment the TTG-IgA was 1.3 u/ml which was normal.

Weight & height were also increased upto 2 kgs & 1.5 inches.

After 8 months the TTG-IgA was 0.9 u/ml and she was also healthy without any symptoms. After 12 months of treatment the TTG-IgA was 2.6 u/ml and the Weight was increased upto 2 kgs and Height was increased upto 3 inches without any Complaints.

After 18 months the TTG-IgA was 0.54 u/ml and eating wheat and wheat products without any complaints. Now after 2 years and 6 months of treatment with us the medicines was stopped and she was feeling healthy with normal increasing Height & Weight. And the TTG-IgA is also normal at that time.

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Contact for Permanent Treatment of Wheat Allergy , Celiac disease, Coeliac Disease and Gluten Allergy

गैंहूँ से एलर्जी Specialist (Celiac disease)

Dr D L Gangwal : 9783653245

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