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Best doctor for Wheat Allergy in Kota

July 08, 2021 458 people Latest news

Shahina Naaz, 27 years old married lady from Karauli, Rajasthan. She was diagnosed as aCeliac disease patient at the age of 24 years, but the symptoms only appeared after pregnancy of her first baby. This was due to lots of medication during pregnancy such as anti vomiting tablets, Folic Acid Supplements etc.

The main symptoms present in Shahina were — Asthma, severe chest pain, Thyroid disease , vertigo, headache, tumour in neck, difficulty in Swallowing, swelling on whole body, disturbed menstrual cycle, leucorrhoea, bodyache, pain in legs, severe constipation, allergic rhinitis etc.

All the above symptoms were prominent when came here at GANGWAL HOMOEOPATHY RESEARCH HOSPITAL. Weight was decreasing day by day. Before treatment taken the TTG-IgA was 104 U/ml and after 15 days of treatment remained 1.9 U/ml.

Shahina and her family never expected this type of amazing results, because not only TTG-IgA became normal but all her physical complaints such as Asthma, symptoms of thyroid disease, chest problem symptoms also disappeared.

Now Shahina Naaz has started eating wheat and wheat products. After nearly 10 months of treatment nothing showed any symptoms of Celiac disease, Asthma or Thyroid disease, but TTG-IgA level slightly increased 24.40 U/ml with fully eating of wheat.

Nearly after 1 year from then TTG-IgA level came down, 14.50 U/ml without any complaints and with fully wheat diets. Now after 2 years, she is taking fully wheat and wheat products diets and TTG-IgA level became normal with normal TSH level also. The TTG-IgA was 7.60 U/ml without any complaints


Contact for Permanent Treatment of Wheat Allergy , Celiac disease, Coeliac Disease and Gluten Allergy

गैंहूँ से एलर्जी Specialist (Celiac disease)

Dr D L Gangwal : 9783653245

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