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Best doctor for Wheat Allergy in Jaipur

July 08, 2021 450 people Latest news

Vishnu Singh is a 10 years old young boy from Jaipur, Rajasthan. He was diagnosed as a Celiac patient now. But has been ill since he was 2 years old, as at that age loose motion and vomiting were very frequent in every hour with decreased body weight, looking as skeleton.

Parents assumed as cholera because of summers. They consulted a lot of Paediatricians but it did not help anyways. After 6 years of age their parents started consulting the HOD of JK Loan Hospital, and then he was diagnosed the condition as Celiac disease.

As per the research it’s an incurable disease, and the only treatment to it is to avoid wheat and it bi-products. The parents were shocked how can possible that wheat behaves like a poison. They became extremely depressed and started worrying about child’s health, growth and height.

They came here at GANGWAL HOMOEOPATHY RESEARCH HOSPITAL with the issues of height & weight and Gastric troubles. And we started treatment for wheat allergy with positive energy.

After 2 months of treatment the weight & height increased and the TTG-IgA level came to normal range. Now Vishnu Singh started to eat wheat & wheat products without any complaints related to wheat allergy.

After 8 months of treatment he is a active, happy go child with all the gastric troubles gone. Now, Vishnu Singh frees both CELIAC Disease as well as Medicines since 2 years. TTG-IgA becomes constant in between normal range which is less than 8 (<8) u/ml. Weight had increased by 12 kgs & Height by 12 cms after taking the treatment here at GANGWAL HOMOEOPATHY RESEARCH HOSPITAL.

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Contact for Permanent Treatment of Wheat Allergy , Celiac disease, Coeliac Disease and Gluten Allergy

गैंहूँ से एलर्जी Specialist (Celiac disease)

Dr D L Gangwal : 9783653245

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