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Best Homeopathic Doctor

May 14, 2021 840 people Latest news

Dr D L Gangwal is a JAIPUR-based physician. He studied homoeopathy extensively and received his Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery degree from the Dr Madan Pratap Khunteta Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Hospital (Homoeopathy University) in Jaipur, India. He is a widely recognized homeopath who has successfully cured many incurable diseases such as Celiac disease, Thyroid, Asthma, PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease), Blood pressure (BP), and others for cases that were previously thought to be incurable by a few physicians, as well as experience in Uro-gynecological and Obstetrics issues (Infertility, Fibroid, Breast Tumors PID, Fatal Miscarriage, Leucorrhea) For more details please contact us! 9783653245

Tags: #Best Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi# Best Homeopathic Doctor in Haryana# Best Homeopathic Doctor in Jaipur
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